The Association and its members have always shared a deep respect for the local environment. It is in the interest of all to keep our surroundings tidy, free from danger and pollution.

We understand that from an ecological viewpoint that if there is a weak link in the chain, the whole chain will suffer and possibly collapse as a consequence.

We therefore go out of our way to ensure that every aspect of the flora and fauna around us, (not just the fish in our waters), gets the care and devotion it needs and deserves.

We take advice from many areas of expertise, to enable us to develop our policies and safeguard the long term interests of the environment in which we live.

We are aware that there is always more to learn, but are always willing to embrace new ways in which we can evolve and improve.

We welcome any suggestions you may have, drop us a line and let us know your thoughts.

Embsay habitat scheme

The habitat improvements at Embsay reservoir is a collaboration between SAA and the Wild Trout Trust. It started way back in 2017 with the repositioning of two large steel pipes that restricted fish migration on one of the tributaries. Since then over 400 trees have been planted consisting of grey willow, hazel, wych elm, dogwood, hawthorn, blackthorn, downy birch, alder, holly and bird cherry.

Fencing works also took place to keep the public out of the 'wildlife area' preventing further bank erosion, works to the other tributary and planting of native marginals have also taken place. Since then Yorkshire water has also planted a huge number of trees on the opposite bank. New bridges have also been installed to improve access for anglers within the fenced off areas.

Over such a small timeframe, the changes we have witnessed to the once 'barren' banks has been vast and our continued determination and additional planting schemes will undoubtedly improve the habitats around the reservoir further still.


River bank management

Working along side riparian land owners and various professional bodies such as the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water, Wild Trout Trust and Aires River Trust, we continue to monitor and maintain our river banks. We carry out essential works such as installing deflectors, planting of trees to stabilize bankings and create 'pinch points'. We also manage invasive species such as giant hogweed and Himalayan balsam to allow our native flora to flourish.

Wet woodland creation

Back in 2017 the club planted some 420 native trees (including ten rare black poplar) on the small triangle of land just below Where Eller beck joins the river at Carleton stone bridge. The plan was to establish a highly desired wet woodland habitat and a hedgerow along the foot of the bypass banking. Unfortunately, due to a number of serious floods that and the following year, a vast number of the trees were literally washed away leaving only those along the hedgerow with a fighting chance

Not one of our most successful projects but you can't knock us for trying, maybe we'll revisit this one in the future.